Framing Deck

Storytricks Framing Deck

What’s Included Inside
The Framing Deck?

A Logline To Rule
Them All

Craft a compelling and professional logline that drives your writing and cuts through executive barriers by focusing on razor-sharp elements.

Find A Unique Voice
That Talks To Millions

Clarify your vision, highlight your theme and angle, elevate your unique concept, and package a unique narrative that sparks interest.

Model Your Audience
To Your Story

Meet people’s needs, curiosities, and motivations. Engage, inspire, and drive action with the latest audience modeling techniques. Learn how to change your audience with your story and not the other way around.

Infuse Your Story
With Primal Symbols

The subconscious power of animal symbolism fortifies traits, guides characters, and enhances themes, adding depth and subtlety to your story.

Peek Inside
The Framing Deck

All You Need Are
Cards & Sticky Notes


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Storytricks Framing Deck

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